Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Coupon Books

Reminder that tomorrow, November 30, is the last day to turn in Enjoy the City coupon book orders.

Thank you for supporting Lettie Brown!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

K-3 Music Program

The Lettie Brown Christmas Program for kindergarten through third grades will be at the Morton Educational Administrative Center (1050 S. 4th Ave.) on December 1st at 6 pm.

Hope to see you there!

PTO Meeting Reminder

There is a PTO meeting on November 28th at 7 pm in the library. All are welcome.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Holiday Shopping

If you plan to do some of your holiday shopping online, remember that you can earn eBox Tops for Lettie Brown School. Here is the Box Tops 4 Education website and a list of over 100 participating stores: eBox Tops.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Duct Tape Day

November 15th was Duct Tape Day. There were some very creative outfits. Below are both 5th grade classes showing off their duct tape.
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Lunch Menu Change

The lunch menu for 11/16 has been changed to:

Chili Mac
Cheese Pizza
Chicken Nuggets with Dinner Roll
Chef Salad
Cooked Carrots
Baked Apples

Monday, November 14, 2011

Enjoy the City Coupon Book

Today we kicked off the Enjoy the City Coupon Book fundraiser. Students will be coming home with a sample book, letter and order form.

Below are the incentives for students that choose to sell the coupon book:
 All students that sell 1 book will be given ice cream at lunch
 Students that sell 2 books will be given extra free time/recess in the gym
 Students that sell 2 books will be entered for a chance to win a $50 Morton Chamber Check
 The top 2 sellers in the school will each be given a $25 Morton Chamber Check
 Students will be given a free coupon book for every 5 books sold

Additional Information:
 November 30: Final day to turn in order form and payments
 Make checks payable to the Lettie Brown PTO

Thank you in advance for your support!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Don't forget the Carnival

The Lettie Brown Carnival is this Friday, November 4th from 5-8 PM. Come join us for food, fun, Usborne books, and raffle baskets!