Monday, November 14, 2011

Enjoy the City Coupon Book

Today we kicked off the Enjoy the City Coupon Book fundraiser. Students will be coming home with a sample book, letter and order form.

Below are the incentives for students that choose to sell the coupon book:
 All students that sell 1 book will be given ice cream at lunch
 Students that sell 2 books will be given extra free time/recess in the gym
 Students that sell 2 books will be entered for a chance to win a $50 Morton Chamber Check
 The top 2 sellers in the school will each be given a $25 Morton Chamber Check
 Students will be given a free coupon book for every 5 books sold

Additional Information:
 November 30: Final day to turn in order form and payments
 Make checks payable to the Lettie Brown PTO

Thank you in advance for your support!